About Us

About JapaCity Radio

Dedicated Radio for Emigrants and Immigrants

JapaCity Radio is an international online radio station dedicated to empowering emigrants and immigrants to adapt to the life in their new countries and succeed in their careers. Our diverse programming, media shows and podcasts cover topics like culture shock, cultural adaptation, integration, acclimitization, job hunting, overseas study, marriage and family life, professional networking, inspirational interviews of successful and thriving immigrants and entertainment at its best.

Watch out for our podcast series!

Our Testimonials

Reviews from users


"JapaCity Radio has been an absolute game-changer for me. As a young professional seeking opportunities abroad, the informative and engaging content on the station has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. From the expert interviews to the insightful discussions, I have gained invaluable knowledge about the international job market, and the tips for acing interviews have helped me land a job offer in my dream destination. JapaCity Radio not only keeps me informed and educated but also empowers me to pursue my dreams with confidence. I am eternally grateful for the positive impact JapaCity has had on my life."


From Nigeria


"Before discovering JapaCity Radio, I was overwhelmed and confused about the process of immigrating to another country for further studies. The radio show has provided me with clear guidance, resources, and advice from experienced immigrants who have successfully navigated the journey themselves. The community atmosphere and support from fellow listeners have made me feel understood and motivated to persevere. Through JapaCity Radio, I have learned about scholarship opportunities, study routes, and cultural adaptation. The show has been a source of inspiration and empowerment, allowing me to make informed decisions and successfully enroll in a prestigious university abroad. I wholeheartedly recommend JapaCity Radio to anyone seeking guidance and encouragement in their immigration journey."


From Ghana


"JapaCity Radio has been a constant source of inspiration and support during my journey as an emigrant. When I first started planning my move abroad, I was unsure about the steps I needed to take and how to navigate the complexities of the immigration process. JapaCity Radio's programming has been invaluable in helping me understand the various pathways to a successful move, including work, study, and other options. The personal stories shared by guests on the show have given me the confidence and motivation to pursue my dreams, knowing that others have faced and overcome similar challenges. I've also connected with mentors from my industry through JapaCity Radio, who have provided guidance and support in my career pursuits. I am truly grateful for the positive impact JapaCity Radio has had on my life and would highly recommend it to anyone embarking on an emigration journey."


From Kenya


"As a recent immigrant to the UK, I was initially overwhelmed by the challenges of adapting to a new culture, finding a job, and building a social network. JapaCity Radio has been an incredible resource in helping me navigate these challenges. The expert advice, practical tips, and stories from other immigrants who have successfully integrated have given me the knowledge and confidence I needed to thrive in my new home. The sense of community I've found through JapaCity Radio has been invaluable, and I cannot thank them enough for the support and guidance they've provided during this crucial transition period."


From Uk


"When I first arrived in Canada, I felt lost and unsure of how to adapt to my new environment. JapaCity Radio has been a constant source of support, offering practical tips on everything from job hunting to understanding the local culture. The interviews with successful immigrants have given me hope and motivation, showing me that it is possible to thrive in a new country. Through JapaCity Radio, I've connected with mentors who have guided me through the complexities of the Canadian job market, and I am now settled in a rewarding career. I am incredibly grateful for the impact JapaCity Radio has had on my life and would recommend it to any new immigrant looking for guidance and support."


From Canada

Our Testimonials

Reviews from users

Shirley Smith
Aleesha Smith
Mike Hardson
Shirley Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Shirley Smith

Marketing head

Aleesha Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Aleesha Smith

Marketing head

Mike Hardson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Mike Hardson


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